Nov. 22, 2020

Special Episode: Talking books with Steph Clarke and Kelly Irving



Time for something a little different.

This week, to celebrate the 100th episode of Steph’s Business Bookshelf (yes, you read this right, there was an episode zero, so episode 99 is the 100th episode) AND my birthday, I’ve invited a guest host onto the podcast… introducing, Kelly Irving.

Kelly is an author coach who helps you unlock what’s inside your head, so you plan, write and publish your best book as fast, fun and pain-free as possible. She is obsessed with helping experts, CEOs and thought leaders, author work that matters and makes an impact. As a bestselling-book coach, editor, and creator of The Expert Author Academy, Kelly nurtures authors from idea to implementation. Her unique Write Book method, results in book awards and major publisher deals (she has never had a book rejected), and transforms businesses from 6 to 7-figure turnovers.

Find out more about Kelly’s work here:

Join Kelly and I talking books, and tackle some of these questions:

  • What books did you read as a child that gave you a feeling of belonging?
  • How did you develop your reading habit?
  • How do you find so much time for reading?
  • How many books have you read since episode zero?
  • How do you not get bored of reading?
  • How important do you think ‘story’ is to non-fiction books?
  • Do you think there’s a place for both professional writers and aspiring authors?
  • What makes a book unfinishable?
  • How quickly do you judge a book?
  • You’re in a bookstore, and you’ve got five minutes to find a book, how would you do that? What would you look for?
  • How do you make notes?
  • What’s your system for revisiting your book notes?
  • If you were a book cover, what would you look like?

Would you like to take better notes from the books you read?  Get your copy of Archley's beautiful book journal, the Book of Books here:



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